
office for development financing معنى

  • مكتب تمويل التنمية
  • office    n. منصب, مكتب, ديو ...
  • for    conj. لأجل, عوضا ع ...
  • development    n. تطوير, تطور, تح ...
  • financing    تَمْويل

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. office equipment technician معنى
  2. office for addressing sexual exploitation and abuse معنى
  3. office for civil affairs معنى
  4. office for civil rights معنى
  5. office for disarmament affairs معنى
  6. office for displaced persons and refugees معنى
  7. office for displaced persons and refugees for the republic of bosnia and herzegovina معنى
  8. office for drug control and crime prevention معنى
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